Such a strong message sent out by Cynthiya Koenig. Hats off. Each and every Indian needs to check out this video and learn something. Learn how valuable water is, learn how much it takes to consume water for people where there is scarcity of water. Such a deep analysis done by Cynthiya Koenig just to find out a way for those people to live their life with little ease, to enjoy their lives, to make a way for them to excel in life. Tremendous effort put by the whole team. India seriously needs projects like these to come up and help people. In Rajasthan and many other parts of India are lacking proper water supply. Even if they are managing to get water it's not filtered enough to drink it. Hence various types of diseases are suffered by the people devoid of quality water.

Water is the basic requirement for a human being to stay alive. Women specially suffer a lot due to shortage of water. As showed in the video(link below) they have to travel miles to fetch water. Even after all that hard work, hardly 5 litres per person per day water is arranged and that too unhygienic water most times.

Women can't work or growing girls cannot attend schools/colleges just because of extra workload at home. People at times stay without water for the whole day as they cannot manage to get water at times. They travel miles and miles in search of water.

Wello Wheel is a great invention for people who need to carry water for miles. It's an excellently designed product which will enable women to save time and avoid risking their health by carrying litres of water in their head. This will bring new thoughts in the people, they'll start saving time and utilize it in better things. The girls can now attend schools and colleges on a regular basis and lead life with happiness and simplicity.

These types of projects should more often come up and help people living in areas devoid of water.
Congratulations for such hard work, Wello Wheel will certainly transform lot of lives. Again, hats off!

Wake up everyone! Save water! Safe Life!
Franklin Templeton
We are so used to seeing women carrying pots on head, enjoy the scene too, many have composed lines on them, but we fail to notice the adverse effect on their health because of this. Wello is the best solution for this.