Friday 20 February 2015

BedTime Rituals!

The key to raising a good sleep to our kids is to follow a consistent and soothing bedtime rituals. We follow the sweetest and creative nightly rituals which help our kids drift off to sleep.
We need a series of predictable steps that we take every night to help our kids’ sleep,
Exactly what we do before bedtime is a mix of personal preference and practicality. Our routine might include a bath, brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, reading together, talking or saying a prayer. What matters most is ensuring the routine is soothing and consistent. 
We aim for low lighting and soft sounds. If our kids needs music to sleep, we go with music only—no lyrics.. And aim to stay within the sleep environment by reading bedtime stories in their room.
Once our kids are in bed, she gets tucked in and kisses from Daddy. Then comes my favorite part: kisses from me. First we have a cheek kiss, then an eskimo kiss (rub noses), Then more kisses, depending on their mood we might have other kisses that we make up.
Our bedtime rituals that we follow are-----
Bath: Aim for a warm soak, rather than a manic splashing.
Brush teeth: It's important for health reasons, but over time it will also help to send body "go to sleep" signals
Wash face: More signals to tell our little one it's time to sleep.
Potty time and glass of water: One last chance to use the toilet before bed and to fill up a small glass of water. Having water bedside will help ward off requests for water later. 
Pick out pajamas: Give our children a feeling of control over bedtime by letting them choose, but limit the options to two or three.
Pick out books:  Let them choose two or three books for you to read.
Bedtime yoga: Pick some child--friendly, sleep--friendly poses to wind their body down.
Talk quietly: Connect by talking about their day or engaging in some creative thinking. Or, have their "pick a dream" to decide what they'll dream about tonight.
Read: Read to our child. Avoid the "one more story" plea by establishing ahead of time how many books you'll read. 
Deep pressure exercises: Help them relax by having her tighten and release muscles, starting from the toes and moving up her body. 
Lullaby: Quietly sing or hum our child's favorite lullaby. Try Yo Gabba Gabba's song, "Think Happy Thoughts."
Prayer: This can range from a formal religious prayer to a few simple words giving thanks.
Say goodnight: To each other, the moon, the stars, the teddy bear -- let your child lead the way.
Snuggle: Tuck them in and kiss them goodnight so they can both go to bed feeling warm and fuzzy.
Pampers: It is the most important need for my younger son. It gives him non-disturb sleep whole night without any harm. It controls his crying and satisfies my mothering nature. It is a boon to give my child a better sleep. In short Pampers diapers are the best solution for my kid’s sleep.

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